The World 100 Academy ANZ 2024

On 25 September, we took the World 100 Reputation Academy to Australia. Thank you to all the universities and expert trainers who joined us – and especially to the University of Newcastle for kindly hosting.

We had delegates from the University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney, UNSW, Flinders University, Edith Cowan University, The University of Auckland, The University of Waikato, University of Canterbury, University of Melbourne, University of Wollongong, and Queensland University of Technology.

Highlights were:

* UoN’s Kent Anderson and Jennifer Milam showing exactly how university leaders can value and champions marketing and communications within their institution, whilst also providing the drive and vision that we can harness to build reputation

* The buzz in the room during an exercise on brand building led by Tina Imig; the idea of describing what would be missed if your institution no longer existed (written on a tombstone) clearly inspired our participants

* Australian universities in particular feel like they are in an era of permacrisis, which hasn’t let up since the pandemic, and is indeed accelerating with the challenges of government decisions on top of operational crises.  But University of Sydney ‘s Johanna Lowe, a member of our W100 Committee, gave us a really clear idea of how taking a strategic approach to stakeholder engagement is key to reputation management during periods of crisis

* University of Technology Sydney’s Tracy Chalk, another great friend of the World 100, introduced a great provocation in the Communicating Research session around considering the ‘how’ and ‘why’ in addition to the usual approach of ‘what’ to communicate.

Our next reputation academy will be on 12-13 November and will be online – timings will accommodate participants from the UK, EMEA, and North America.

Join us or send someone from your team and improve your knowledge of university reputation and develop effective strategies that will build a global profile for your institution.

Book a place for someone on your team