Marketing Makes Glasgow presentation given by Rachel Sandison and Ailie Ferrari, University of Glasgow on Day 1 of the Glasgow study tour in 2016.
Each annual conference is preceded or followed by a Study Tour hosted by a top global university. Study Tours, available to members only, are two-day visits to a peer university to explore its strategic areas of research, strength and teaching expertise while soaking up the culture of the city.
In 2016 Glasgow hosted the study tour, as part of the 2016 Dublin Conference.
Reflecting on the two stories of University of Glasgow’s marketing strategy, Director of Marketing, Recruitment & International Office (MaRIO) Rachel Sandison and University Brand Strategist (MaRIO) Ailie Ferrari explore how the university aligned itself with the city through shared strategies to market Glasgow as a premium education destination and implemented a coherent and consistent brand messaging framework to differentiate the university in a global context.
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Glasgow Study Tour 2016: Day 1 - Marketing Makes Glasgow - Rachel Sandison, Ailie Ferrari
Rachel Sandison is Vice-Prinipal, External Relations at the University of Glasgow. Previously, she held the roles of Executive Director of External Relations and Director, Marketing, Recruitment & International Office (MaRIO) at the university, where she has responsibility for leading an integrated service covering Marketing, Recruitment & Admissions, International Affairs and Development & Alumni Relations. Rachel is also the University’s Universitas 21 network Senior Leader.
Rachel is a Chartered Marketer; Chair of the Glasgow Economic Leadership HE/FE Marketing group; and a member of CASE’s US Commission in addition to sitting on a number of sector advisory boards. She is also a member of Faculty at the CASE Europe Strategic Marketing Institute and a current School Governor.
Previously, Rachel was the Director of Marketing, Student Recruitment and Alumni Relations at the
University of Aberdeen, UK.
Ailie Ferrari was University Brand Strategist at the University of Glasgow, where she provided strategic leadership of corporate marketing communications. Her recent focus has been development of a new brand framework, which provides coherent and consistent brand messaging across the University of Glasgow. For this work, Ailie was nominated for the 2014 International Brand Master award.
Prior to joining the University of Glasgow in 2012, Ailie gained a wealth of marketing experience in financial services, IT, and B2B environments. She was the marketing lead at Glasgow Caledonian University, winning awards for Best Student Recruitment Website from HEIST, and Best Marketing Team from the CIM.
If you want to find out more about attending this year’s conference please visit our conference page or get in touch via email.