University of Ottawa
The University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual (English-French) university in the world. Founded in 1848, the University of Ottawa is located in the heart of the capital of Canada. The university has a unique bilingual nature, which allows its students, faculty and staff to learn, work and live in English, French or both. UOttawa are committed to academic and research excellence and value cultural diversity, equity, and inclusion. The University’s new strategic framework, Transformation 2030, boldly focuses our University community on shaping the leadership and research needed to address questions on a national and global scale. As part of the Wapanakew initiative, learners in the Certificate in Indigenous Law took part in an intensive documentary screenwriting workshop held at the University of Ottawa's Innova space from November 30 to December 1. Learn more here - Dans le cadre de l’initiative Wapanakew, les apprenants du Certificat en droit autochtone se sont réunis lors d’un atelier intensif de scénarisation documentaire à l’espace Innova de l’Université d’Ottawa du 30 novembre au 1er décembre derniers. 🔗Pour en savoir plus - 📢Don't miss the @TrebekForum -funded call for nominations for a professorship on #PublicPolicy, launched by @uOttawaResearch ’s Office for Public Policy Research & Outreach ! 📢Ne manquez pas l'appel de candidatures pour la bourse professorale du @TrebekForum sur les #PolitiquesPubliques du Bureau recherche et PolPub @uOttawaResearch ! 📢 Call for Seed Funding Projects for Urban Sustainability Research in 2025 The Sustainable Cities Initiative aims to encourage and financially support interdisciplinary cooperation through innovation-driven research projects in one or more fields. The intent is for the seed funding to encourage researchers to test ideas that will lead to successful external grant funding. 📢 Appel à projets Amorçage pour la recherche en durabilité urbaine 2025! Dans sa contribution à promouvoir l’excellence de la recherche à l’Université d’Ottawa, l'initiative Villes durables souhaite encourager et soutenir financièrement des coopérations interdisciplinaires dans un ou plusieurs champs de recherche précis. Ce financement vise à encourager les chercheurs à tester des idées novatrices pouvant attirer des fonds externes. By supporting exceptional researchers and educators, Fulbright Canada aims to enrich intellectual life at the University of Ottawa and build better understanding between people in Canada and our neighbours to the south. 2/4 Thanks to this collaboration with Fulbright Canada, the University of Ottawa will continue to be the home of Fulbright research chairs in six areas of study: · Human rights and social justice The University of Ottawa is delighted to announce the renewal of our memorandum of understanding with Fulbright Canada! 1/4 @FulbrightCanada @uOttawaResearch L’Université d’Ottawa a le plaisir d’annoncer le renouvellement de son protocole d’entente avec Fulbright Canada! 1/4 @FulbrightCanada @uOttawaResearch Grâce à cette collaboration, l’Université continuera d’héberger des chaires de recherche Fulbright dans six domaines d’études : · Droits de la personne et justice sociale uOttawa is a diverse community that brings together thousands of international students from more than 150 countries, offering opportunities to explore new cultures and ideas every day. Students choose UOttawa to enjoy a superior quality of education and generous scholarships, while living and studying in downtown Ottawa, near many international organizations, including dozens of NGOs, embassies and consulates. With its diverse community of 45,000 students — including 16,000 Francophones and Francophiles — and 5,000 faculty and staff, The University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual (English-French) university in the world. In 2020, the University created the Office of the Vice-President International and Francophonie (OVPIF) in order to further reinforce its position in both the francophone and global communities. $60M $432M The University of Ottawa, together with its affiliated hospital research institutes, are acclaimed innovators. Its researchers are world leaders in photonics, vascular and cardiovascular health, brain and mental health, Francophonie, public policy and social justice. With 23 research centres and institutes cutting across faculties and disciplines, uOttawa promotes dynamic research collaboration and leverages Ottawa’s government laboratories, industry and policymakers. Ranking among the top 10 research-intensive universities in Canada and a member of the U7 International Alliance, uOttawa generates nearly $350 million in research revenue annually and is home to 94 Canada Research Chairs and 23 research centres and institutes. Our 29 core facilities, ranging from leading-edge photonics to multidisciplinary psychology labs, and a new building dedicated to STEM enable our researchers to push the boundaries of discovery. The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.W100 Representative
Nicolas Gregoire-Racicot
Executive Director Marketing and Brand
The Latest from University of Ottawa
The call is open to the @uOttawa research community.
Apply by March 1st, 2025➡️
Appel ouvert à la communauté de recherche de l'@uOttawa.
Postulez d'ici le 1er mars 2025 :➡️
🟢 Learn more about how to apply here -
🟢Pour en savoir plus sur la procédure de candidature, cliquez ici -
· Indigenous education
· Environment and economy
· Governance and public administration 3/4
· Science and society
· Health law, policy and ethics
We look forward to our continued partnership with Fulbright Canada! 4/4
· Éducation autochtone
· Environnement et économie
· Gouvernance et administration publique 3/4
· Science et société
· Droit, politiques et éthique de la santé
Nous nous réjouissons de poursuivre notre partenariat avec Fulbright Canada! 4/4In 1866, the recently renamed College of Ottawa was elevated to university status by royal charter, and in 1889, it secured a pontifical charter. In 1965, the Oblates relinquished administration of the University and it became a provincially funded secular institution.
University of Ottawa has a 97% employment rate for graduates
The University's Social Sciences Building contains a six-storey living wall with 2,000 plants from 12 different species, and 80% of the building’s heating needs are met through heat redistribution
A university open to the world
Strategic pillars:
Driving research into the future
Per year in student scholarships and bursaries
Research revenue
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York University
York is a leading international teaching and research university and a driving force for positive change. Empowered by a welcoming and diverse community with a uniquely global perspective, we are preparing our students for their long-term career and personal success. Together we are making things right for our communities, our planet, and our future. Professor Maleknaz Nayebi is using AI to make clinical trials more inclusive and effective, ensuring treatments are tested equitably across diverse groups. Learn more: It has been a remarkable year for York University despite challenges in the sector. I am deeply grateful for the commitment and dedication of the #YorkU community. I wish you all a restful break and look forward to continuing this important work in 2025. "Societies that prioritize social inclusion achieve better economic outcomes," says Mark Beckles, York U’s 2024 honorary degree recipient. Learn how addressing education access, inequality, and more strengthens cohesion and prosperity: Last week, we celebrated the achievements of 13 women entrepreneurs at EmpowHER Showcase! York U researchers have been leveraging their expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics to create empathetic robots. These robots can assist in search-and-rescue missions and manage patients in busy health-care settings. Learn more: | #YorkU 🥁 We’re revisiting the top 10 Schulich stories of the year — here's #6!🥁 Here's to six decades of knowledge creation in graduate education! We're excited to unveil our new website, celebrating 60 years of innovation, research, and limitless possibilities. Explore our legacy and future: The new Osgoode Professional Development program at York is enhancing training for legal associates. The program highlights Osgoode's reputation for developing continuing legal education programs and its emphasis on practical learning. Learn more:| #YorkU We’re proud to share that our students earned 3rd place and a gold medal at the 2024 China International College Students’ Innovation Competition! Their project tackled tether dynamics and control, capturing energy from space. Read more: No. 1 York is the top ranked university in Canada for publications on COVID-19 & Mathematical Modeling, with researchers ranked Nos. 1, 3, 4 & 6 in the country (SciVal, 2021). York University has 300+ partnerships in 64 countries including partnerships with industry, governments, non-profit and private sector companies, and other educational institutions. These collaborative opportunities are co-created so that the missions of both York and the partnering organization are advanced in creating positive change for our students and in local and global communities. Our commitment to collaboration allows us to address complex global challenges to create positive change in the local and global communities we serve. Solidifying existing international strategic academic alliances, and establishing new alliances is key to expanding outreach and engagement with York’s larger communities. Experience firsthand York’s global impact and engagement. The University prides itself on championing diversity and inclusivity and fostering global fluencies and cross-cultural knowledges. York community lives these values on one of the largest and most diverse university campuses in Canada. York’s student body includes about 18 per cent international students and also reflects the diversity of Toronto, one of the world’s most multicultural cities. The University draws scholars and exchange students from around the globe, and our students and faculty have opportunities for exchanges and collaborations at our more than 600 partner institutions worldwide. York ranked No. 1 in Ontario for global collaborative research publications. Over 60% of York’s publications have an international co-author (SciVal, 2020). $24.7m $1.8m+ York conducts purposeful research that advances knowledge and creates positive change. York is committed to excellence in research and scholarship in all its forms. Informed by a strong commitment to shared values, including promoting social justice, diversity, and the public good, we aspire through our research to better understand the human condition and the world around us and employ the knowledge we gain in the service of society. Intensive engagement in research is a core institutional value that permeates the fabric of the University, and it is this foundation on which York’s vibrant and exciting academic environment is built.
The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.W100 Representative
Vinitha Gengatharan
Assistant Vice-President, Global Engagement & Partnerships
The Latest from York University
#AI #YUPositiveChange #YUResearch #YUChangeMakers
A special thanks to Minister @rechievaldez and Councillor Martin Reid for their support.
Thank you to our partner @IDEAmississauga for making this happen!
📊 We launched the Graduate Diploma in Accounting Analytics (GDAN), an online, part-time program designed for working professionals.
🔗 Learn more:
#Schulich2024Top10Stories #AI
#GradstudiesYU #YorkU #YUPathways
#SpaceEngineering World ranking “high” York’s research output ranked “very high” (QS World University Rankings, 2021).
York University perform strongly in THE Impact rankings overall and for individual SDGs. Top 10 in the world for Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11); Top 10 in the world for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16); #1 in Canada Gender Equity (SDG 5)
Fostering global fluencies and
cross-cultural knowledgesVision and Core Values
Advancing knowledge and
creating positive changein knowledge mobilization brokered project research funding
in revenue generated by start-ups from Innovation York
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University of Montréal
Deeply rooted in Montréal and dedicated to its international mission, University of Montréal (UdeM) is a leading research university. With its affiliated schools, Polytechnique Montréal (engineering), and HEC Montreal (business), University of Montréal is one of the largest university complexes in North America. Situated on the northwestern flank of Mount Royal, one of North America’s finest urban parks, University of Montréal proudly reflects the welcoming multicultural city after which it is named. One out of every four students at University of Montréal comes from outside Canada. Montréal is known for its cultural vitality, safety and low cost of living. With its 14 faculties and its affiliated schools, University of Montréal has over 66,500 students and 2,400 professors and researchers. #ENVIRONNEMENT | 🌍🔥 L’Arctique brûle! Les incendies de forêt transforment la toundra en source de carbone, menaçant le pergélisol et le climat global. Oliver Sonnentag, expert à #umontreal, contribue à ce rapport alarmant. L'Arctique brûle Les incendies de forêt ont transformé le Grand Nord en source de carbone, menaçant le pergélisol et altérant ... #DISTINCTION | 🌿🌍 L’Université de Montréal grimpe au 65e rang mondial dans le classement QS sur le développement durable, un bond de 16 places. Une reconnaissance de son engagement pour un avenir durable. #umontreal L'UdeM brille dans le classement QS sur le développement durable L'Université de Montréal et ses écoles affiliées progressent de 16 rangs et se classent à la 65e place en d... #FORMATION | 🎓💉 L’UdeM lance une maîtrise en perfusion extracorporelle. Une nouvelle maîtrise en perfusion extracorporelle sera offerte à l’UdeM Rattachée au Département de chirurgie de l’Université de Montréal, la maîtrise en perfusion extracorporelle vient ... #CYBERSÉCURITÉ | 🛍️🎄 Attention aux fraudes des fêtes! C’est l’temps d’une fraude, une fraude, une fraude Le temps des fêtes rime souvent avec une hausse du commerce en ligne. Et les fraudeurs profitent de cette péri... #RECHERCHE | 🐖👁️ Greffer pour voir à nouveau. Des chercheurs de #umontreal ont restauré la vision de minicochons aveugles grâce à des greffes de rétines issues de cellules souches. Greffer des cellules souches pour traiter la cécité Des scientifiques de l'Université de Montréal ont réussi à transplanter des rétines fabriquées à partir de cell... #RECHERCHE | 🧠😖 Décoder la douleur grâce au cerveau On peut prédire l’expression faciale de la douleur à partir de l’activité du cerveau Une étude fait progresser la compréhension des processus cérébraux liés à la communication non verbale de la d... #ÉDUCATION | 🎓🔬 Un centre dédié à l’innovation en pédagogie Un nouveau centre pour soutenir la recherche en pédagogie de la santé La Faculté de médecine inaugure le Centre de recherche en pédagogie de la santé, un projet rassembleur qui vis... #SANTÉ | 🧴💊 Protéger patients et soignants Décontaminer les bras des fauteuils pour protéger les patients et le personnel soignant Six scénarios de décontamination de bras de fauteuils dans les unités externes d’oncologie s’avèrent efficaces p... #6DÉCEMBRE | 🕯️ Ce soir, un halo blanc illumine la tour du campus pour rendre hommage aux 14 femmes victimes de la tragédie de @polymtl en 1989. The university has a long list of illustrious graduates including: Roger Guillemin, co-recipient of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; Louise Arbour, former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda; Joanne Liu, international president of Doctors Without Borders; and the late Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of Canada’s best-known prime ministers The University of Montréal has a truly international environment. With 10,000 international students, the university was previously named Canada’s third most international university, by a Times Higher Education ranking. The university encourages student mobility. It has some 600 agreements that link the University of Montréal to higher education establishments located in 65 countries which provide a range of opportunities for its students to collaborate with their peers from all over the world and study abroad. University of Montréal is also part of the G3. The G3 is a group of three major French language universities: Université de Genève, Université de Montréal, and Université libre de Bruxelles. G3 universities have created a common fund to help initiate new partnerships. The Strategic Project Development Program for Teaching and Research is one of the main vehicles for developing collaborations within the G3. The program is funded equally by all members of the group. These universities have common interests and share similar goals in the areas of teaching, research, and service to society and the international community. The G3 aims to create innovative collaboration models in training, teaching, and research. It positions itself as a reference within the Francophonie. £597.2M 465 University of Montréal attracts over $500 million in research funding every year, making it one of the three foremost university research hubs in Canada. Many renowned laboratories were born at University of Montréal, including: MILA, the world’s leading university research centre in deep learning; the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC), one of the most productive in its domain; and the Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP), the most comprehensive public-law research centre in Canada. The University’s scientific research is overseen by Vice-Rectorate of Research, Discovery, Creation and Innovation. They ensure the development of research initiatives and collaborations in the University’s three salient research areas: the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, and health and biomedical sciences.
The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.W100 Representative
The Latest from University of Montréal
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Dès 2025, #umontreal proposera la seule maîtrise francophone au Canada pour former des experts en maintien des fonctions cardiopulmonaires.
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Le temps des fêtes rime avec achats en ligne… et risques accrus de cyberfraudes. Benoît Dupont, expert à #umontreal, vous explique comment rester vigilant.
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Une équipe de #umontreal a démontré qu’il est possible de prédire les grimaces liées à la douleur en analysant l’activité cérébrale.
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La Faculté de médecine de #umontreal inaugure le Centre de recherche en pédagogie de la santé pour faire évoluer les pratiques éducatives en sciences de la santé.
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Une étude menée à #umontreal identifie 6 méthodes efficaces pour décontaminer les bras de fauteuils en oncologie, éliminant les traces de médicaments cytotoxiques.
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Depuis 2005, la Bourse du 6 décembre est remise à 4 étudiant(e)s pour leurs recherches visant à enrayer la violence faite aux femmes. More than 1,000 UdeM students go abroad each year
University of Montréal has 10,000 international students, making it one of Canada’s most international universities
The Université de Montréal was founded 1n 1878, as a satellite campus of the Université Laval, with three faculties: theology, law and medicine.
Montrealer by its roots,
international by vocationProfile
One of the three foremost university research hubs in Canada
Research income
Research units
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Dalhousie University
Dr. Alice Aiken is the Vice-President Research & Innovation at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. She is an active researcher focused on health systems transformation and evidence-informed policy-making. Dr. Aiken is currently the Vice-Chair of the Governing Council of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and chairs the board of Research Nova Scotia. She is elected to the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada. She was formerly the Dean of the Faculty of Health at Dalhousie. She is a co-founder and the former Scientific Director of the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research, a unique consortium of over 41 Canadian and 7 international universities dedicated to researching the health needs of military personnel, Veterans and their families. She received her PhD and Master from Queen’s University, Canada, her Physical Therapy degree from Dalhousie University, and a BSc in Kinesiology from the University of Ottawa. She also proudly served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 14 years, first as a ship’s navigator in the Royal Canadian Navy, then as a physiotherapist. She is currently the Honorary Captain(Navy) for Canadian Forces Health Services Atlantic, and a Dame of the Order of St George. For her commitment to the health and well-being of military personnel, Veterans, and their families, she has received the Canadian Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, and the Chapel of the Four Chaplains Legion of Honor Bronze Medallion (USA).
Dalhousie University is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia which is ranked one of the friendliest cities in the world. Founded in 1818, Dalhousie is one of Canada’s oldest universities, attracting more than 20,000 students from around the world. They make a lasting impact by blending transformative academic programs with pioneering research on Canada’s East Coast. Dalhousie University is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. Members of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (@Dal_FASS) recently gathered on campus to celebrate works many of them have produced over the past year: Light and dark themes on display at this year’s FASS publications and performances showcase A look at some of the latest publications and creative work emerging out of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,... Ask an expert: Could Canada's economy really get crushed by Trump's threatened tariffs? The DSU will be hosting a tree lighting event on Monday, December 2 for students, faculty and staff to kick off the holiday season, featuring hot drinks and cookies 🍪: Campus food banks are seeing growing lines of students looking for help in stretching their grocery budgets. Dal is once again rising to meet that need through The Food Security Project on Giving Tuesday: For 15 years, the Dal Bookstore has been kicking off the holiday season with exclusive products and incredible deals—and this year is no exception. Join them from December 3-5 for Dal’s biggest sale of the year: Help us support Feed Nova Scotia this Holiday Season! Don't forget to drop off your non-perishable food items in the Dalplex lobby! Learn about 'Able After Dal', a new program designed to support students and alumni with disabilities as they transition from university life into the workforce: It's Accessibility Week, created to help build knowledge and momentum around accessibility planning at Dal. It's Accessibility Week, created to help build knowledge and momentum around accessibility planning at Dal. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence starts today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Dalhousie’s global connections enhance the quality and impact of education and research at local, national, and international levels. The university’s international strategy is built on cooperation and partnerships to support learning and research that is interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, global in reach, and oriented toward solving problems that extend across national borders. Key areas of internationalization include: The university has over 300 partnership agreements with universities from 67 countries. The Office of International Relations helps oversee the implementation of the international strategy and coordinates partnership agreements, visiting delegations, and visits abroad. Dalhousie inspires the diverse community to serve Nova Scotia, Canada, and the world through innovative and impactful teaching and research, world-class scholarship, a passion for learning, and a deep sense of social responsibility $181m 92% Dalhousie has a rich history of excellence in research and innovation. Their researchers are recognized through the institution, across the province, the country, and on the global stage for their many achievements. What are Dalhousie’s research strengths? Their research efforts focus on five Signature Research Clusters and are informed by two cross-cutting themes, Big Data and Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Dalhousie combines the prestige of a big-name university with a hands-on, collaborative education — all students have access to experiential learning opportunities in their programs and nearly 90% are taking advantage of it. Dalhousie has received a five-star rating overall, and specifically in Teaching, Employability, Learning Environment, and Innovation, from QS Stars, one of the top global university rating systems. The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.W100 Representative
Dr. Alice Aiken
Vice-President, Research & Innovation
The Latest from Dalhousie University
Dr. Brian Bow, chair of Dal's Department of Political Science, explains what it could mean for Canada:
Learn more about this year's events and activities:
Learn more about this year's events and activities:
@DalHRES is hosting events committed to profiling, addressing, and eradicating sex- and gender-based violence: Dalhousie University has over 19,000 students enrolled; Their student body represents over 115 different countries
In the early 19th century, George Ramsay, the ninth Earl of Dalhousie and Nova Scotia Lieutenant-Governor at the time, wanted to establish a Halifax college open to all, regardless of class or creed
In 1886, the university moved to the Forrest Building on today’s Carleton campus and spread gradually to occupy Studley Campus.
Thinking and
acting globally
Vision and Values
Excellence in academics, leadership, research and innovation
Awarded annually in external research grants and awards
of faculty have a PhD or doctorate
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McMaster University
Andrea leads a team at McMaster that is responsible for strategic reputational management, marketing and media relations, digital media communications, government and community relations, and internal communications. Her early career was in media, where she was a reporter and newsreader McMaster University is public research university located in Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1887 in Toronto through a bequest from the estate of Senator William McMaster, a member of the first senate after Confederation and founding president of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. The first three faculties were Arts, Science, and Divinity. McMaster University’s purpose is the discovery, communication and preservation of knowledge. In their teaching, research and scholarship, they are committed to creativity, innovation and excellence. What a year 2024 was! Whether it was groundbreaking research, celebrating our students, or getting together for a once-in-a-lifetime eclipse, here are some highlights of the amazing moments we shared/ 🏆Congratulations to @McMasterU's Societal Impact Pitch Competition finalists and winners! McMaster University remains one of Canada’s top research universities, based on the annual rankings published today by @R_Infosource. #CIL2024 As the threat of superbugs and antibiotic resistance grows, so too does the need for new treatments. @machealthsci's Jonathan Stokes explains how he’s leading a team of researchers to harness the power of AI to hasten the pace of antibiotic discovery. 📢Are you a @McMasterU professor seeking more time to focus on your entrepreneurial venture? With temperatures dropping and winter around the corner, it’s a good time for our community members to get reacquainted with McMaster’s snow closure policy. A great day to welcome @FilomenaTassi to campus to announce $4M via @FedDevOntario for our Centre for Collaborative Chemistry (C3). Thank you! McMaster is better positioned than ever to help get new therapies to market. Mills Memorial Library and H.G. Thode Library of Science and Engineering are offering extended hours to help accommodate students during the final exam period. 💡Two @McMasterU startup companies - BiCova Therapeutics and PROVA Innovations - have received a total of $750,000 from the McMaster Seed Fund to develop and commercialize their innovative health technologies. | @machealthsci @DeGrooteBiz @McMasterEng McMaster recognises that a key element of its internationalisation strategy is forging global partnerships – research and educational alliances based on reciprocity, transfer of knowledge and resources, engagement with communities, and a commitment to effective collaboration. They are involved with projects in over 130 countries, and within those countries have built over 1200 partnerships. McMaster University is actively engaged every year in hundreds of international partnerships and collaborations, and these connections include; faculty exchanges, research collaborations, capacity building initiatives, joint supervision of doctoral students, student exchanges and mobility agreements. 70+ $493,500m With more than 70 research centres and institutes, McMaster University has a high focus on collaborative research within many faculties, and with a particular focus on experimental sciences. McMaster is collaborating across borders in the advancement of aerospace and earth science research, joining forces with the Operational Space Medicine program at the Canadian Space Agency and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). They have also participated in the North American Carbon program, alongside NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the United States Geological Survey, allowing graduate students to gain experience with field measurements and climate modeling works. The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.W100 Representative
Andrea Farquhar
Chief Executive, Internal and External Engagement
The Latest from McMaster University
We can’t wait for what 2025 will bring!
Read more about the winners and their impact-driven research.
@McMasterU earned the top spot for research income growth and for graduate student research intensity.
Apply now for the Professor Entrepreneur Fellowship and take your research discoveries to the next level. Applications are due January 13, 2025.
Learn more:
Learn more: Founded in 1887 in Toronto through a bequest from the estate of Senator William McMaster, a member of the first senate after Confederation and founding president of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
More than 195,000 alumni represent 162 countries as well as Canada
The McMaster Model, a problem-based, student-centred approach to learning, has been adopted worldwide
A research-intensive, student-centred university
Mission and vision
17th in the THE Impact Rankings
Research centres and institutes
Research intensity (per faculty member)
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University of Alberta
SENIOR ADVISOR (PORTFOLIO STRATEGY) Andrea Smith is the Portfolio Strategy Senior Advisor for External Relations. Andrea uses her extensive leadership experience building businesses from strategic assessment through to realization to enrich External Relations’ vibrant and dynamic work environment. A civil engineer with an MBA, Andrea’s professional skills, coupled with her eclectic leadership experience in corporate, not-for-profit and public institutions (universities), provide important insight and direction to the External Relations portfolio. Since its inception in 1908, the University of Alberta has had the vision to be one of the world’s great universities for the public good. The university is dedicated to the promise made by founding president Henry Marshall Tory that “knowledge shall not be the concern of scholars alone. The uplifting of the whole people shall be its final goal.” This promise endures as the university strives to improve the lives of people in Alberta, across Canada, and around the world. U of A @UAlberta_Eng researchers have developed a portable device that analyzes soil composition in seconds using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). This innovation helps farmers optimize fertilizer use, boost crop productivity, and assess organic carbon for climate… U of A’s Pandas tennis team captain Emma Rutherford is on a winning streak. As of 2024, she has led the team to its fifth consecutive national championship, joining Pandas rugby and volleyball as the only U of A @BearsandPandas teams to achieve this feat in university history.… Makenna Kuzyk, an aspiring astronaut and U of A engineering graduate, has received the Order of the White Rose from Polytechnique Montréal, commemorating the 14 young women lost in the 1989 École Polytechnique tragedy. On December 6, 1989, 14 women were murdered at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal in an act of violent misogyny. Today, we remember people who continue to die as a result of gender-based violence, as well as those who live with violence today. We will not forget.… 💚💛 A team of @ualbertaScience researchers has developed an improved method to create nucleoside analogues—key molecules in treatments for cancer, viral diseases, and more. Led by Michael Meanwell, the team reduced the process from up to 16 steps to just five, paving the way for… A U of A medical team has developed a portable device to treat frostbite using precise, aseptic rewarming inspired by sous vide technology. Designed for use in hospitals, shelters, and the field, it offers a cost-effective solution to prevent amputations and improve outcomes for… Giovanni Ferrara, U of A professor and director of pulmonary medicine, is redefining patient care through digital innovation. By integrating wearable technology, he addresses critical gaps in traditional follow-up care, enabling real-time monitoring and proactive disease… "It's being built by hospitals, & companies, & universities all across the globe," says Patrick Pilarski, co-director @ the @UAlberta BLINC Lab, speaking on their Bento Arm which the team competed & placed Top 8 w/ at the 2024 Cybathlon, supported by GHF: The U of A has close to 400 teaching and research agreements with governments and partner institutions in nearly 50 countries. Key examples include Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, and Fudan University/Shanghai Medical College in China. The Helmholtz-Alberta Initiative is an independent research partnership between the U of A and the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. The U of A’s largest international collaboration, which was recently renewed until 2020, merges scientific and technical expertise to develop innovative solutions for today’s challenges in energy and the environment, terrestrial ecosystem and resource informatics, and health. The initiative is expanding into infectious disease research. $12.3b $500+m The University of Alberta is one of Canada’s top teaching and research universities, with an international reputation for excellence across the humanities, sciences, creative arts, business, engineering, and health sciences. In particular, the University of Alberta is internationally recognized as a world leader in diabetes research, energy and environment, virology, food security, nanotechnology, humanities computing, printmaking, artificial intelligence, family business research, carbohydrate chemistry, and circumpolar research. Our expertise and strength attracts over $500 million annually from various research funders and partners including federal and provincial government, industry, foundations and other organizations.
The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.W100 Representative
Andrea Smith
The Latest from University of Alberta
Dedicated to advancing microgravity research, Kuzyk aspires… 41,000 students at five separate campus locations
University of Alberta students, faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and staff have received many academic awards and distinctions over the history of the university, including 71 Rhodes Scholarships, 15 Banting Post-doctoral Fellowships, 41 3M National Teaching Fellowships, and three Governor General Awards for Literature
More than 300,000 alumni in 140 countries
The University of Alberta has won 78 National Athletics titles.
A place where good ideas have
a strong chance to become realityMission and vision
Home to leading experts in both established and emerging fields
Annual impact on Alberta economy
Annual research funding 2019
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University of Toronto
Vice-President, Communications Christine Szustaczek, MCM, APR is the Vice-President, Communications at the University of Toronto, where she oversees an award-winning tri-campus team of writers, communications strategists, brand marketing professionals, digital and media relations specialists, videographers, and photographers since May 2023. Prior to joining U of T, she was Vice-President of External Relations at Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, where she led communications, marketing, alumni and advancement, government and community relations and special events. She also ran her own communications consultancy for ten years, helping colleges, universities, hospitals, and social service agencies communicate their impact. She has held positions in communications and fundraising at various non-profits and post-secondary institutions. She is a board member at the Screen Industries Research and Training Centre in Toronto and the Alice and Murray Maitland Charitable Foundation. She is passionate about higher education and the role it plays in transforming people’s lives, benefiting the economy, and advancing social well-being. Founded in 1827, the University of Toronto has evolved into Canada’s leading institution of learning, discovery and knowledge creation. We are proud to be one of the world’s top research-intensive universities, driven to invent and innovate. Our students have the opportunity to learn from and work with preeminent thought leaders through our multidisciplinary network of teaching and research faculty, alumni and partners. The ideas, innovations and actions of more than 560,000 graduates continue to have a positive impact on the world. The University of Toronto is one of the world’s great universities, distinguished by an extraordinary depth and breadth of excellence. U of T’s global outlook and cosmopolitan location in one of the world’s great cities provide students with a transformative educational experience, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to navigate our rapidly changing world.
#UofT to increase base funding for PhD students to $40,000 per year 🏫 #UofT Professor Emeritus Geoffrey Hinton has won the 2024 Nobel Prize for Physics. Learn long & prosper: #UofT’s Fisher Library becomes ‘eternal archive’ on Star Trek: Discovery ✨ 190 years old & still the best city in the world. Happy birthday, Toronto! #UofT 💙🎉 #TorontoDay | #TO190 #UofT named most sustainable university in the world 🌎 #UofT is deeply concerned about the safety and wellbeing of our students and other members of the university community who are currently in the Middle East region, or who have friends and family there. (1/3) A statement from #UofT President Meric Gertler: "We stand with our friends and colleagues at the University of Waterloo and with universities across Canada in denouncing hate and violence, and creating an inclusive and safe environment for all members of our community." (1/2) In photos: His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh meets with Indigenous leaders at #UofT's Massey College 📸 #UofT ranked 18th in the world – & second among North American public universities – by @TimesHigherEd 🏫 The University of Toronto has a wide range of active agreements with institutions around the globe. They have Eight Axes which form the backbone of their International Strategic Plan and represent key dimensions for growth to position the University of Toronto for success on the international stage. These include: University of Toronto’s student body is a global microcosm, with over half of our students speaking two or more languages. Our students come from all over the world – over 160 countries – and our international students comprise over 15% of our student body. The university is committed to educating the best and brightest global citizens by providing a fulfilling and rigorous education with countless international opportunities for the entire student body. We are dedicated to transforming students into global leaders.
980+ $1.38B For nearly two centuries, University of Toronto (U of T) faculty, students, postdoctoral fellows, and staff have been extending the boundaries of knowledge and providing answers to some of the world’s most important questions. U of T is home to some of the world’s most talented thinkers, inventors, innovators, and educators, who are advancing knowledge and making critical discoveries for a healthier, more sustainable, prosperous, and secure future. Consistently ranked among the top 10 public universities worldwide, U of T has remarkable strengths in disciplines that span the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and the professions. According to Times Higher Education (THE), U of T is one of only eight universities globally to place in the top 50 in all 11 subject areas ranked by THE — demonstrating our excellence in scholarship across a wide range of fields. Curiosity-driven research is the catalyst that expands knowledge and holds the potential to alter fundamentally how we understand ourselves and the world around us. The exploration of fundamental knowledge has been at the root of much of our long-term social progress. Without the basic research conducted at universities, many of the most life-changing discoveries and innovations would never have occurred. At the University of Toronto, fundamental research in the sciences and engineering, social sciences, humanities, and health sciences has led to the discovery of insulin and stem cells, the development of the electron microscope, and one of the world’s first operational computers, the unearthing of “Peking Man,” the understanding that the medium is the message, and breakthrough developments in deep learning and neural networks. These advances were built upon decades, often centuries, of knowledge and discovery within and across disciplines. The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.W100 Representative
Christine Szustaczek
The Latest from University of Toronto
Hinton shares the prize with John J. Hopfield “for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks.” #NobelPrize The University of Toronto has three campuses: St. George, Mississauga (in the West) and Scarborough (in the East).
The University of Toronto has over 980 programs of study
The University of Toronto has over 606,876 alumni around the world as of Fall 2019
Equity. Diversity. Inclusion.
Where everyone belongs
Mission and vision
Consistently ranked among the top 10 public universities worldwide
Programs of study
Research Funds Awarded by Sector
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