The World 100 Reputation Network Conference is the key annual opportunity for highly ranked universities - both members and non-members - to share reputational achievements.
The W100 Annual Conference 2012 took place at Washington DC in America from 15-16th May. Hosted by American University, were immensely generous in the time and energy that they put into making things possible, and opening doors to places like The White House, which was the jewel in the crown of our Study Tour.
Washington, DC, the capital of the United States, was our chosen venue for our second World 100 Conference and Study Tour, being home to some of the best universities in the world; Georgetown, American, and George Washington, and in nearby Maryland, University of Maryland. It is also the home of the US government and the setting for iconic American architecture, The White House, the
Jefferson Memorial and the Smithsonian Museum.
The theme, To Boldly Go: Advancing university reputation through global interaction, was not only chosen for its hint at the world of split infinitives and team vision, but we know universities have a global presence and are judged by international as well as domestic triumphs and standards. Being international is not easy when cultures, expectations, currencies, and politics throw up different challenges.
Conference Highlights
What is the most effective way of structuring corporate affairs in world-class universities? | Glenn Bieler, Vice President for Corporate Affairs, Johns Hopkins University
Chinese universities’ ranking performance and institutional progression compared with the west | Professor Chen Hong, Director, Office of Overseas Promotion, Tsinghua University
How should we, could we and do we measure reputation? Discussing reputational measures, as well as The THE reputational survey | Phil Baty, Times Higher Education World University Rankings and Deputy Editor, Times Higher Education and Louise Simpson, The World 100 Reputation Network
Defining and implementing institutional Higher Education performance and impact metrics | Patricia Brennan Director, Product Strategy, Research Analytics, Thomson Reuters
Leveraging brand through market research and message | Elizabeth Scarborough, Simpson Scarborough Consultants, and David Roberts, The Knowledge Partnership
How international universities can tell their stories without obsessing over rankings | Scott Jaschik, Editor, Inside Higher Ed
Building a great Australian brand: anecdotes from the Antipodes| Doug Durack, Director of Public Affairs, The University of Western Australia
Public engagement. Why bother? What to do? How to measure? | Prof Richard A. Duschl, Waterbury Chair in Secondary Education, Penn State University & Chris Coe, Director of Public Engagement, King’s College London
Our Speakers

Cornelius M. Kerwin
President, American University

Katherine Ma
Director of Communications, The University of Hong Kong

Tommy Bruce
Vice President for University Communications, Cornell University

Stacie Spector
Chief Communications Officer, The Salk Institute

Terry Hartle
Senior Vice President for Government and Public Affairs, American Council for Education

Terry Flannery
Vice President for Communication, American University

Glenn Bieler
Vice President for Communications, Johns Hopkins University

Elizabeth Scarborough
CEO and Partner, Simpson Scarborough

Benjamin Wah
Provost of Chinese University of Hong Kong

Pauline van der Meer Mohr
President of the Executive Board, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Bob Morse
Director of Data Research, U.S. News & World Report, Washington DC

Study Tour | 16-18 May 2012
The World 100 2012 Study Tour included a visit to the University of Maryland, The White House Press Office, and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Become a Member
The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.