W100 Representative
Santiago Fernández-GubiedaDirector of the Reputation Unit
Santiago Fernández-Gubieda Lacalle is the Director of the Reputation Unit at the University of Navarra. As well as this, he is the bursar of the Center of University Governance and Reputation at the University of Navarra. He is currently preparing his doctoral thesis about reputation and governance of universities.
His specific focus is on the management and measurement perceptions of university stakeholders and how reputation management can improve a university’s performance. He is also working on the rankings strategy of the University.
He has an Executive MBA from the University of Navarra – IESE Business School. From 2018 to 2020, he was Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Communication at the University. In addition, from 2014 to 2018, he was the Communication Director of the University Hospital of Navarra. Before that, he was the director of the Digital Communication Service of the University of Navarra.
He has worked in mass media and he is also a communication consultant for universities and educational organisations.

The University of Navarra, established in 1952, has its main campus in Pamplona, Spain. Other campuses are placed in San Sebastian, Madrid, Barcelona (IESE Business School), and has overseas locations in New York, Munich and Sao Paulo. All of them are multicultural spaces where our students receive a well–rounded and personalized education, and where teaching and research go hand in hand.
Its institutional mission is to seek and present the truth; contribute to the academic, cultural and personal education of its students; promote academic research and healthcare activities; provide suitable opportunities for the development of its professors and employees; and carry out broad cultural outreach and social promotion work with a clear goal of service.
Horizon 2020 is the current strategic plan of the University and seeks to have an increasing international profile at all levels, a stronger focus on interdisciplinary and translational research, an innovative approach to teaching, a wider and richer choice of programs to improve the student academic experience and employment perspectives, and a solid commitment to social responsibility.
The Latest from University of Navarra
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Feria de Empleo 2025
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📺 https://youtu.be/81UT2rWa4f4
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La Universidad, entre las cien primeras del mundo en siete materias, según el ranking por áreas de @TopUnis 👏👏👏
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👉 https://www.unav.edu/noticias-y-eventos/reportajes/qs-areas-2025
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University of Navarra has 36 Master’s programs
Founded in 1952 by St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, the founder of Opus Dei
The University of Navarra Alumni Association was established in 1993. Fifteen years later, the Alumni Association was the largest in Europe with over 21,000 members.
Seek and present the truth
The University of Navarra has agreements with over 350 universities from all over the world, 50 of which are among the top 50 of the world according to international rankings. It is currently a member of European University Association, International Association of Universities, and IREG Observatory of Academic Rankings.
Mission and vision
- Deliver university-level teaching in various fields, confer the corresponding academic degrees and provide students with the means (educational materials, a library, information on scholarships, and financial aid) to enable them to derive the full benefit from their studies.
- Promote academic research in different fields of knowledge to further teaching and as a way to bring knowledge to society and foster innovation and development.
- Contribute to students' education through personalized mentoring, with activities aimed at acquiring professional competences and personal habits that stimulate personal development in all of its dimensions: cultural, artistic, religious, athletic, and solidarity
- Stay in touch with alumni of the University through continuing education activities and other cultural and social initiatives of the Alumni Association.
- Organize continuing education and specialization programs for alumni based on the trends and needs of different professions
- Cultivate the bonds between the University and the members of the Friends of the University of Navarra and keep them informed of the fruits of their partnership
- Carry out cultural dissemination and university outreach work through activities organized by the University itself and initiatives carried out in conjunction with other institutions
- Cooperate with other universities and university-level institutions such as hospitals, business schools, research centers, art institutes and educational and development organizations
Where institutional, ideology and statutory aspects are collected
Research projects
Budget to investigate
The University of Navarra aspires to become an international reference Research University and to conduct interdisciplinary, international research with a high degree of social implication. The aim is for the improvement in research to have a positive effect on teaching quality.
Research at the University of Navarra covers multiple areas, but it has a strong focus on biomedicine. The main research centers are:
- Center for Applied Medical Research
- Center for Nutrition Research
- Center for Biomedical Engineering
- Institute of Tropical Health
- Institute of Culture and Society
Become a Member
The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.