Rise and fall research 2009/10: Managing reputation associated with significant world university rankings change – Full Report

The Rise and Fall survey looked at the relationship between changes in rankings and reputation as a whole. The main objectives were to discover how a rise or fall in rank is managed and how it impacts upon the institution's reputation.

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Rise and fall research 2009/10: Managing reputation associated with significant world university rankings change – Executive Summary

The Rise and Fall survey looked at the relationship between changes in rankings and reputation as a whole. The main objectives were to discover how a rise or fall in rank is managed and how it impacts upon the institution's reputation.

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Structures, Strategies and Resources for Reputational Advancement 2008/09: Executive Summary

Access the executive summary for the structures and resources project undertaken in 2008. We gathered valuable insight into reputation management from 95 external relations and international directors working in world-class universities across the globe.

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Structures, Strategies and Resources for Reputational Advancement 2008/09: Full Report

Our first research into structures and resources was in 2008 when we gathered valuable insight into reputation management from 95 external relations and international directors working in world-class universities across the globe.

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2014 Michigan Conference presentation: Creating an international strategy and global reputation as a non-English speaking country

A presentation from the Michigan 2014 conference looking creating an international strategy and global reputation as a non-English speaking country

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2014 Michigan Conference Presentation: Cultural and Practical Issues of Reputation Management and Internationalisation in Korea

A presentation from the Michigan 2014 conference looking at cultural and practical issues of reputation management and Internationalisation in Korea

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2014 Michigan Conference presentation: Reputational Lessons from Coca-Cola and the Corporate World Applied to Higher Education

A presentation from the Michigan 2014 conference looking at reputational lessons from Coca-Cola and the corporate world applied to Higher Education

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2013 York Conference Presentation: Nobel prizes and reputation

Presentations from 2013's York conference from Simon Pratt, Thomson Reuters and The University of Manchester on how Nobel prizes and reputation interlink.

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2013 York Conference Presentation: Global connections. An international policy to support Danish excellence

A presentation from University of Arhus' Mette Thunø on how international policy was used to support Danish excellence from 2013's York conference

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2013 York Conference Presentation: The impact of fees on reputation and student choice

Richard Stenelo, and David Roberts, Director, presentation on the impact of fees on reputation and student choice from 2013's York conference

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2013 York Conference Presentation: Global U -Developing a Top 25 HE Brand and the Role of Sport in Reputation Building

Presentation from the 2013 York conference, given by Matt Schlientz, formerly of University of Michigan, on developing a top 25 HE brand and the role of sport in reputation building

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2013 York Conference Presentation: Major Change Management

A York 2013 Conference presentation titled 'Major change management: moving communications from Schools to the Centre. The pain and the benefits!' given by Christina Breddam, Deputy Director of Communication and Ulla Gjørling, International Director, Aarhus University, Denmark.

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