Brand new W100 Social Media Rankings now available

The brand new W100 Social Media Rankings are now available, providing a much more comprehensive view across a range of platforms than the previous Twitter Engagement Rank.

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Rankings Watch – reputation increasingly driving ranking performance

Universities with a strong focus on building reputation are winning the race for global recognition, according to analysis of data from the latest THE World University rankings released in mid-September 2019

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Rankings Watch: First thoughts on latest Shanghai Rankings

The 2019 edition of the Academic Ranking of World Universities, produced by Chinese consultancy Shanghai Rankings, was published on 15th August. The Shanghai Rankings, first published in 2003, have a significantly different methodology to the other main global league tables, with a stronger focus on research metrics and no specific reputation measures.

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THE Reputation Rankings – a copy-paste case

THE released their latest Reputation Rankings at a summit in Hong Kong, giving the first indication of the results from their academic reputation surveys carried out earlier this year.

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Rankings Watch

Many universities are eagerly awaiting the next major rankings announcement, with QS publishing their World University Rankings on 19th June.

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Rankings Watch – QS Subject Rankings 2019

The first rankings of the year were published on 27 February, with QS releasing their latest Subject Rankings, driven by data from the QS reputation surveys of academics and employers, and research metric data from Scopus.

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Rankings Watch – the calm before the storm

The beginning of the calendar year is traditionally a quiet time in the rankings business – at least in terms of new data being released.

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The W100 Reputation Network welcomes first Dutch members

Following the recent Discover the W100 event in Amsterdam, we are pleased to announce two new additions to the network; Utrecht University and University of Groningen

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A higher education reputation network of international reach

The World 100 Reputation Network continues to grow apace. This year, it has seen the Universities of Erasmus Rotterdam, Western Australia, Monash and Bristol join the group, which now numbers 16 top universities.

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