Spot the difference: University Online Brands

How do you differentiate your university from all the others in the world when you are all, essentially, offering the same “product” – research and teaching? Websites are now the main way that students and researchers access information about a university so it is becoming increasingly important that universities are able to stand out from the online crowd with their online brands.

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: Flexing Social Media: the use of Weibo

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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The dangers of ‘predatory’ conferences

A key recommendation in the Rankings Influencers research is to ensure that academics are attending high-quality international conferences, a key factor in building reputation.

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Reputation Around the world: China

Reputation has focused much on China over recent weeks with the 5 yearly National Congress of the Communist Party taking place and the bolstering of the power of President Xi Jinping.

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: Masterminding Metamorphosis: Taking Staff and Stakeholders in a Bold New Direction

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: Welcome to Utrecht

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: The Future of the University

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: City Influence: Brand, Engagement and Civic Power

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: The World 100@10: the Last Decade in University Reputation and the Shape of Things to Come

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: Managing Expressions: the Radical Voice in a Liberal Context

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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