2015 Sydney Conference Workshop: Changing Places: The benefits and caveats of global partnerships

A workshop on 'Changing places: The benefits and caveats of global partnerships' from the 2015 Sydney Conference.

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2014 Michigan Conference presentation: Creating an international strategy and global reputation as a non-English speaking country

A presentation from the Michigan 2014 conference looking creating an international strategy and global reputation as a non-English speaking country

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2014 Michigan Conference discussion: The Global Game; Solo or Partnership Model

A discussion from the Michigan 2014 conference based around the question how globalisation impacts on the university profiles and the education that we offer?

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2014 Michigan Conference Presentation: Cultural and Practical Issues of Reputation Management and Internationalisation in Korea

A presentation from the Michigan 2014 conference looking at cultural and practical issues of reputation management and Internationalisation in Korea

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2013 York Conference Presentation: Global connections. An international policy to support Danish excellence

A presentation from University of Arhus' Mette Thunø on how international policy was used to support Danish excellence from 2013's York conference

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