2016 Glasgow Study Tour Presentation: Introduction to Glasgow

An overview of the University of Glasgow from Professor Neal Juster, Senior Vice Principal and Deputy Vice Chancellor, on Day 1 of the Glasgow study tour in 2016; part of the Dublin Conference.

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2016 Dublin Conference Workshop: Telling the research story through content and the media

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference teaching audiences how to maximise telling the research story through content and the media

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2016 Glasgow Study Tour: Introduction to Glasgow

An introduction to Glasgow given by Neal Juster on Day 1 of the Glasgow study tour in 2016; part of the Dublin Conference

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2016 Dublin Conference: Connective Campaigns

A presentation and workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference, both hosted by Paul Andrew, Harvard University focussing on campaigns

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2016 Glasgow Study Tour Presentation: Inspiring People, Changing the World

An overview of how Glasgow developed its Global Vision Strategy - Glasgow 2020 - from Professor Neal Juster, Senior Vice Principal and Deputy Vice Chancellor, on Day 1 of the Glasgow study tour in 2016; part of the Dublin Conference.

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The W100 Annual Conference – A Unique Event

When the room is filled with communications professionals, you’d expect the networking session at the W100 Annual Conference to be a lively affair. And it is. If you could listen in to the conversations taking place, you would hear colleagues sharing their experiences with peers from across the world.

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2016 Glasgow Study Tour Presentation: Connecting with the World through Internationalisation

An introduction to Glasgow given by Neal Juster on Day 1 of the Glasgow study tour in 2016; part of the Dublin Conference

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2016 Glasgow Study Tour Presentation: Precision Medicine, A Research Powerhouse

An introduction to Glasgow given by Neal Juster on Day 1 of the Glasgow study tour in 2016; part of the Dublin Conference

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2016 Glasgow Study Tour Presentation: Marketing Makes Glasgow

An introduction to Glasgow given by Neal Juster on Day 1 of the Glasgow study tour in 2016; part of the Dublin Conference

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Reputation Management 2014/15: Priorities, structures and resources in world-class universities – Full Report

In 2014/2015 we revisited our resources and structures research that we originally conducted in 2008 to see how things had developed. This time around our surveys were complemented by video interviews with four senior directors and a series of case studies from additional qualitative interviews.

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Reputation Management 2014/15: Priorities, structures and resources in world-class universities – Executive Summary

In 2014/2015 we revisited our resources and structures research that we originally conducted in 2008 to see how things had developed. This time around our surveys were complemented by video interviews with four senior directors and a series of case studies from additional qualitative interviews.

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Louise Attends Tokyo 2020 Conference

I was there to run some reputation workshops for Japanese universities keen to improve their image, and attract more international students, plus present findings of a study for the British Council in Japan on how UK universities made the most of the Olympics.

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