Rankings Watch

Many universities are eagerly awaiting the next major rankings announcement, with QS publishing their World University Rankings on 19th June.

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The Role of Reputation in International Partnerships – Last Chance

The survey for the W100 Annual Research project on the role of reputation in international partnerships is due to close shortly; now is your last chance to get involved.

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Reaching for the Stars – Professor Brian Cox speaks at W100 Annual Conference in Manchester

The W100 Reputation Network Annual Conference at the University of Manchester will feature a range of exciting international speakers, led by world-renowned physicist and media star Professor Brian Cox.

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Rankings Watch – what’s the impact of the new THE table?

World 100 members took 4 of the top 5 places in the latest impact rankings from Times Higher Education (THE) focusing on the impact of universities measured through the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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International Partnerships research – have you responded?

The questionnaire for the W100 Research Project on the Role of Reputation in International Partnerships is still open; members are encouraged to respond as soon as possible.

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International Partnerships research questionnaire is now live

The online questionnaire aimed at Directors of International and Communications & Marketing in leading global universities which will feed into the World 100 Annual Research project on the role of reputation in international partnerships has been launched.

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Rankings Watch – THE Latest Ranking: Most International Universities Impacted by Reputation

Rankings Watch: Reputation has been identified as the key factor driving changes in most global universities, as identified by THE in its latest ranking

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W100 Annual Conference taking shape: bookings now open

Bookings are open for the W100 Annual Conference hosted by the University of Manchester, 9-11th September, themed around A Reputation for Relevance

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Rankings Watch – QS Subject Rankings 2019

The first rankings of the year were published on 27 February, with QS releasing their latest Subject Rankings, driven by data from the QS reputation surveys of academics and employers, and research metric data from Scopus.

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CONNECTIONS: Research on international partnerships kicks off soon

The W100 Reputation Network Annual Research project, Connections, will launch shortly, with surveys about the role reputation plays in international partnerships

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2019 Academy: Places still available for W100 Training to enhance Engagement and Brand Position

There are still 2019 Academy places available, offering W100 training to enhance engagement and brand position and a chance to visit historic Cambridge

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A reputation for relevance – call for W100 2019 conference sessions

We are now looking for speakers, for both plenary sessions and workshops, and would welcome any suggestions from W100 members.

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