Other kinds of rankings

It is not only Higher Education that is obsessed with rankings; they are seemingly everywhere, perhaps given the media-friendly hooks they provide.

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Mind the data: The challenges of having effective methodologies and data collection

The challenges of having effective methodologies and data collection processes were highlighted recently with US News & World Report pulling a top MBA course from one of its key rankings.

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Rankings watch – ‘Tis the Season to Influence Reputation

New year, new rankings season! Times Higher Education has launched its reputation survey with academics around the globe, the results of which will feed into the next THE Reputation Rankings and 2019 World University Rankings.

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Spot the difference: University Online Brands

How do you differentiate your university from all the others in the world when you are all, essentially, offering the same “product” – research and teaching? Websites are now the main way that students and researchers access information about a university so it is becoming increasingly important that universities are able to stand out from the online crowd with their online brands.

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Rankings Update: 2018 US News & World Report

It’s a busy time of year for rankings. In the past few weeks, we’ve seen the publication of the 2018 US News & World Report Best Global Universities

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: Flexing Social Media: the use of Weibo

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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Reputation Around the world: China

Reputation has focused much on China over recent weeks with the 5 yearly National Congress of the Communist Party taking place and the bolstering of the power of President Xi Jinping.

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The dangers of ‘predatory’ conferences

A key recommendation in the Rankings Influencers research is to ensure that academics are attending high-quality international conferences, a key factor in building reputation.

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: Masterminding Metamorphosis: Taking Staff and Stakeholders in a Bold New Direction

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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2017 Utrecht Conference Presentation: Welcome to Utrecht

A workshop from the 2016 Dublin conference hosted by Dasha Karzunina from the QS Intelligence Unit on how to tell your story to prospective students

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