W100 Representative
Prof. Dr. José Luis Copa PatiñoRector's Delegate for Communication
Prof. Dr. José Luis Copa Patiño holds a PhD in Biology, specializing in Microbiology, from the University of Alcalá (UAH). He is currently a Professor in the Department of Biomedicine and Biotechnology at UAH, with over 32 years of teaching experience and six recognized five-year terms. He is part of an award-winning teaching innovation group recognized in 2012.
He has completed postdoctoral stays at the Biological Research Center (CSIC) in Madrid and at the Institute of Science and Technology at the University of Manchester (UMIST). He has published more than 75 papers in indexed journals and participated in over 110 conferences. He is co-author of six patents, one of which is international, and has led more than 80 research projects. He has supervised several doctoral theses and received multiple awards for his research work.
Since 2001, he has held various management positions at UAH, including Vice Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and ERASMUS Coordinator for the Faculties of Biology and Environmental Sciences. He has also coordinated the entrance and admission exams at UAH for new students and served as Deputy to the Vice-Rector for Undergraduate Studies and Students. Currently, he is Vice President of the Senate and a member of the Faculty of Science Board, as well as the Rector’s Delegate for Communication.

The University of Alcalá was founded in 1499 as a new educational project by Cardinal Cisneros, the Regent of Spain. Steeped in history, the University today is a medium-sized modern institution, and acknowledged as a model to be imitated in Europe and America. In addition to classical humanistic studies and the social sciences, the University of Alcalá has incorporated the most modern qualifications in all scientific fields, such as health sciences and the various engineering sciences spread across its campuses, which with the Science and Technology Park are a decisive factor in its international profile and a boost to business in our region.
The recognised quality of its studies, the development of important research lines, its international relations, the artistic-historical interest of its iconic buildings, its new and modern facilities and its complete adaptation toe the demands of today’s labour market place at the forefront of public universities.
The Latest from University of Alcalá
La #UAH se suma a la #HoraDelPlaneta de @WWFespana por el cambio climático apagando las luces del rectorado de 20:30 a 21:30. Una hora que, entre todos, se convierte en miles de horas de acción por el planeta. Únete. Actúa. https://ow.ly/9vHj50VmJTw
#UAHsostenible #UAHcomprometida
Lo tocarás, lo verás, te hará palpitar...
3...2...1.... ¡despegamos!
Te esperamos del 26 al 30 de marzo en AULA.
🎞️Vive la UAH, una aventura de película.🎞️
📍Ifema, Madrid. Pabellón 3.
#UAH #ViveLaUAH #AULA #AULA2025 #VoyASerUAH #genteUAHpa #VenALaPública
@FeriaAula @IFEMA
La @UAHes suspende la actividad académica (incluidos exámenes) para este viernes 21 de marzo debido a las fuertes lluvias de las últimas horas y el posible riesgo de inundaciones. Se dispensa de acudir a su puesto el personal que no pueda teletrabajar. https://bit.ly/4hvw8Gx
El 27 de marzo estaremos en la #FeriaMadridesCiencia de @madrimasd con los investigadores de la @uahes. La profesora Noemí Rivaldería explica su taller 'Forense por un día: el misterio de las huellas dactilares'.
La @UAHes , su @FGUAes y el @AytoAlcalaH presentan un festival cultural en abril y mayo con Álvaro Pombo y la literatura como protagonistas. Exposiciones, cine, teatro, conciertos y más.
¡Consulta el programa completo!👉https://cultura.uah.es/export/sites/cultura/es/.galleries/Documentos/PROGRAMA_fdlp2025_AP_2025_V3_web.pdf
🟣👁️La situación de las mujeres de Castilla-La Mancha es analizada en este informe elaborado desde la Cátedra de Investigación de la @UAHes 'Isabel Muñoz Caravaca'. En este caso el análisis en profundidad se centra en las brechas de género.
🔗Descárgalo: https://institutomujer.castillalamancha.es/sites/institutomujer.castillalamancha.es/files/publicaciones/descargas/_informe_situacion_de_las_mujeres_y_brechas_de_genero_en_clm_2024.pdf
¡Comenzamos la campaña en la Universidad de Alcalá!
¡Qué maravillosas personas hemos encontrado por aquí!
🧡 Los primeros donantes ya están registrados, ¡y seguimos sumando esperanzas!
¡Gracias a todos por hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor! 🌟
¡Venga, a seguir sumando vidas!
🔴Las relaciones entre el Consejo de Investigación de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de 🇨🇦 y las universidades 🇪🇸 avanzan. Fructífero trabajo con el
Rector de la @UAHes y el equipo rectoral.
🟡Relations between the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of 🇨🇦 and 🇪🇸…
El 27 de marzo acompañaremos a varios investigadores de la @uahes a la feria #MadridesCiencia.
@ordend y Guillermo Esteban nos cuentan cómo será su taller 'Geometría para catar chuches' que tendrá lugar de 16 a 18h.
University of Alcalá has 38 official degree courses
19% of University of Alcalá are international students
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the University of Alcalá became the major centre of academic excellence
Acknowledged as a model tobe imitated in Europe and America
The University of Alcala considers international partnerships to play a vital role in furthering research and education; it has 750 agreements globally, with 1,500 placements in 155 countries, and these include:
Erasmus Student Exchange Agreements, an EU-centred exchange programme with 927 partners.
Double Degree Agreements for Undergraduates, Masters, and PhDs in France, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, China, Brazil, Ireland, Bolivia, Italy, Tunisia, Sweden, and Columbia.
Mission and vision
- The comprehensive training of students and their personal and professional development through high-quality teaching, the creation, and transmission of knowledge, and the dissemination of science and culture
- To be a leading university in the international context, committed to society, inclusive and open to the world, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the training of citizens by means of quality teaching, excellence in research, and the promotion of ethical and socially responsible attitudes
- Values:
- Proximity
- Quality, Excellence and Innovation
- International Vocation
- Social Commitment
A university open to the world
Active researchers
from Research Projects
The University is firmly committed to research as the engine of innovation and change, It is ranked among Spain’s top universities in terms of number of doctoral theses, patents and research outputs.
Through its Science and Technology Park, the university fosters relations between the academic world and the business community, thus fomenting the creating of innovative companies in R+D intensive sectors.
In collaboration with Spain’s Council for Scientific Research, the university is host to the Prince of Asturias Institute of Molecular Medicine and the Ramon y Cajal Institute of Biomedicine in collaboration with the Madrid Regional Government, the Madrid Institute for Advanced Water Research.
Through its own institutes and other research supported centres, the university gives its backing to interdisciplinary research in the fields of the social sciences and humanities. The university boasts four associated teaching hospitals where students may do their internships.
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The World 100 Reputation Network is a group of the best universities in the world, delivering research that enhances reputation and offering leaders the chance to develop their own careers on a global stage. Members benefit from events and study tours, training, monthly media monitoring, and unique reputation research to provide institutional advantage.