Protected and unprotected content

Here’s some unprotected content. Here’s some unprotected content.Here’s some unprotected content.Here’s some unprotected content.Here’s some unprotected content.Here’s some unprotected content.

Anyone can see this. They don’t have to be logged in.

Here’s some more content which anyone can see. Here’s some more content which anyone can see. Here’s some more content which anyone can see. Here’s some more content which anyone can see. Here’s some more content which anyone can see.

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Pages you have access to

Groups you are a member of

Files you have access to

    Files visible to the 'Registered' group

      Files visible to 'Test Group A'

      Files visible to 'Test Group B'

      Using theWorld100 'File Groups' these would look something like this:

      (Note that the file list under each title will be filtered according to the user’s membership permissions – this is what’s happening on the current Member page )

      Files categorised in Aurora category

      Shows files in the Aurora category that are visible to your Group membership settings.

      Files categorised in the Research Library

      Shows files in the Reseach Library that are visible to your Group membership settings.

      World 100 Annual Conferences – Event Presentations

      Shows files in the World 100 Annual Conferences category that are visible to your Group membership settings.